
This workshop is dedicated to Gilbert Simondon: our contemporary. It will explore and delineate the significance of his work for the analysis of our contemporary techno-medial condition. Therefore it focuses on the question of the digital, and aims to put forward a critical agenda for research into digital cultures, informed by Simondon’s thought.

In Du Mode d’Existence des Objets Techniques(1958), Simondon showed us a new approach to the understanding of ‘technical objects’, and rethought the relation between humans and machines, cultures and technologies. Today we are witnessing the proliferation of types of object – digital objects in particular – while the very notions of object and objectivity are being transformed by digitizing processes.

This has inevitable implications for experiences and concepts of subjectivity, and Simondon’s work on individuation – in particular in L’individuation: à la lumière des notions de forme et d’information (2005) – remains one of the most original and complete, yet one of the most neglected, explorations of this topic in the history of Western philosophy. This work remains particularly invaluable for its compatibility with his work on technical systems and technological culture.

Jean-Hugues Barthélémy

Director of the CIDES at the Maison des Sciences de l'Homme de Paris-Nord

Christoph Brunner

Researcher at the Zurich University of the Arts

Ludovic Duhem

Lecturer in Philosophy of Art and Design at Ecole Supérieure des Beaux-Arts de Valenciennes and Orléans 

Jeremy Gilbert

Professor of Cultural and Political Theory at the University of East London

Erich Hörl

Professor of media technics and media philosophy at the Ruhr-University Bochum

Yuk Hui

Postdoctoral researcher at the Centre for Digital Cultures of Leuphana University Lüneburg.

Luciana Parisi

Senior lecturer at the Center for Cultural Studies, Goldsmiths, University of London

Anne Sauvagnargues

Full professor at the Université Paris Ouest