First International Web and Philosophy Symposium

First International Web and Philosophy Symposium (PhiloWeb 2010)

PhiloWeb 2010 is a joint multidisciplinary effort between University Paris 1 Panthéon-Sorbonne and INRIA that will be held in Paris (France) on Saturday October 16 2010 (Amphi Gestion)

Alexandra ARAPINIS, Bruno BACHIMONT, Yuk HUI, Freddy LIMPENS, Pierre LIVET, Nicolas DELAFORGE, Harry HALPIN, Alexandre MONNIN, Bernard STIEGLER, Henry STORY, Henry THOMPSON

Description: The Web as we know it exists thanks to the interplay of many disciplines and schools of thought. Philosophy, as betoken the many references to formal semantics, ontology, the question of identity and meaning, or proper names in the architecture of the Web, has played a major part in its advancement even though too few philosophers are aware of this fact. Our ambition is to shed light on this dynamic in order to foster future collaborations between philosophers, computer scientists and engineers and eventually shape a new discipline with its own research programme.

Hence, PhiloWeb 2010 would like to play a foundational role in helping to define what a genuine Philosophy of the Web would be.

Schedule: A video of Bernard Stiegler reflecting on the very notion of a “philosophy of the Web” will be released before the symposium and serve as its introduction. The symposium itself includes presentations by both scholars in philosophy and computer science and engineers. At the end of the day, an art exhibition will take place; a way to re-examine the various topics discussed from another point of view.

Participation: PhiloWeb 2010 is a free event that anyone can attend.

Sponsors: Paris 1 Panthéon-Sorbonne, INRIA.

Support: W3C (World Wide Web Consortium), IACAP (International Association for Computing and Philosophy), IRI (Institut de recherche et d’Innovation), IAOA (International Association for Ontology and its Applications).


Contact/organizer: Alexandre Monnin,

For a printable flyer, please visit:

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