
德州理工大學學者、出版數部關於控制論著作的Bruce Clarke教授在《美國書評》發表了《遞歸與偶然》的書評,題為 “控制論、智能與宇宙技術”: https://bit.ly/3aW4mTg

“What, then, is cybernetics? It would seem, a monster with many heads. In Recursivity and Contingency, Yuk Hui notes that cybernetics is “not really a discipline but rather a movement with enormous richness and heterogeneity of ideas.” Hui codifies the diversity of cybernetics in two mirror images capturing how its concept has been split into opposing personae: “One is reductionist: it reduces organisms to feedback systems, which are imitations.” This is the image of cybernetics reflected in machine systems that imitate the organic performances of the human mind, the perceptions and senses of the animal nervous system, or other physiological capacities and regularities, by reduction to routines of calculation and prediction. “The other is nonreductionist … beyond any form of technological determinism; it is open to contingency without only reducing it to calculation.”

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許煜的《藝術與宇宙技術》(2021)的俄文翻譯 (Искусство и космотехника) 最近由AST出版社在“Слово современной философии(當代哲學語話)”系列


阿根廷布宜諾斯艾利斯的出版社Caja Negra剛剛出版了《論中國的技術問題:宇宙技術初論》的西班牙語翻譯。該出版社之前已經出版了《遞歸與偶然》的翻譯和一本題為《碎片化未來:論技術多樣性》的西班牙語選

出版:《21世紀的控制論 卷1: 認識論重構》

《21世紀的控制論 第1卷:認識論重構》由香港Hanart Press 以開放獲取的形式出版。在這部選集中,歷史學家、哲學家、社會學家和媒體研究學者探討了控制論的歷史,從萊布尼茲到人工智慧和機器學習,