
Selection of technical projects:

Project Title: Group-based Recommender System – (2013-14)

Institutes: T-Labs Berlin, Princeton University
Project Publication: Beyond personalization and anonymity: towards a group-based recommender system (Proceedings of the 29th Annual ACM Symposium on Applied Computing Pages 266-273)
Team Members: Shang Shang, Yuk Hui, Pan Hui, Paul Cuff, Sanjeev Kulkarni


Project Title: Social Web  – Collective Individuation(2012)

Institute: Institut de Recherche et d’Innovation du Centre Pompidou
Project Description: http://www.iri.centrepompidou.fr/projets/socialweb/
Team Members: Yuk Hui, Harry Halpin, Julia Anaya, Alexandre Monnin
Finance: Office of Naval Research Global

social web project


Project Title: Culture Mining – Time-based Tagging(2009-2010)
Institute: Goldsmiths College/ Tate Britain
Project Description: http://www.tate.org.uk/about/projects/culture-mining
Team Members: Robert Zimmer, Kelli Dipple, Yuk Hui, Goetz Bachmann, Andrea Rota, Darren Williams
Finance: The Leverhulme Trust

Culture Mining