In the occasion of the Philosophy of the Web seminars in Lüneburg, we are happy to announce the intervention of Antoinette Rouvroy, who will talk about Algorithmic Govermentality. Previous interveners: Alexandre Monnin (FR), Antoine Hennion(FR), Harry Halpin(US), Greg Elmer(CA), Scott Lash(UK). Next Intervener: Tristan Garcia(FR): « What is something ? », 6 Octobre.
Abstract: Algorithmic government is a form of government fed with raw data (infra-personal signals), affecting individuals and groups by way of industrial personalization and preemption. An unprecedented rationality/mode of government, algorithmic governmentality is, Antoinette Rouvroy will try to demonstrate, the mode of government typical of the age of multitudes, and a uniquely powerful neoliberal reabsorption of the critical ethos inherited from the sixties. The type of “knowledge” it is fed with and produces, the manner it actually affects/neutralizes individual and collective agency, and the modes of individuation susceptible to influx or resist algorithmic governmentality are what this talk will be about.
Antoinette Rouvroy, Doctor of Laws of the European University Institute (Florence), is permanent research associate at the Belgian National Fund for Scientific Research (FNRS) and senior researcher at the Research Centre Information, Law and Society, Law Faculty, University of Namur (Belgium). She is also member of the French CNIL (Commission Informatique et Libertés)’s Foresight committee. She authored ‘Human Genes and Neoliberal Governance: A Foucauldian Critique’ (Routledge-Cavendish, 2008) and co-edited, with Mireille Hildebrandt, ‘Law, Human Agency and Autonomic Computing: Philosophers of Law meet Philosophers of Technology’ (Routledge, 2011). In her writings, she has addressed, among other things, issues of privacy, data protection, non-discrimination, equality of opportunities, due process in the context of “data-rich” environments (the so-called genetic revolution, the so-called information/
This event is part of the series Philosophy of the Web, organized by Dr. Yuk Hui, CDC.