Review of The Question Concerning Technology in China (Moscow: Ad Marginem, 2023) in ТрВ-Наука

A review of the Russian translation of The Question Concerning Technology in China by the Professor Alexander Markov (Russian State University for the Humanities) published in the newspaper ТрВ-Наука.

” Для взаимного выигрыша нужна новая встреча китайской философии с новейшей западной мыслью, которая столь же успешно может мыслить «безвременье» политико-социальных кризисов и их преодоления, как китайская мысль может мыслить «бесформенность» бесконечной скупости и бесконечной щедрости.”

For mutual gain, a new meeting of Chinese philosophy with the latest Western thought is needed, which can just as successfully think of the “timelessness” of political and social crises and their overcoming, as Chinese thought can think of the “formlessness” of endless stinginess and endless generosity.

Read more of the review:

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