Publish date: 2021
Publisher: Philosophy Documentation Center
Language: English
This special issue of Philosophy Today titled “Philosophy after Automation” seeks to ask: What is the status of philosophy in the epoch of technological automation? The history of automata in the West can be traced from the ancient Greeks’ automata-slave double to the moderns’ fear of robot revolts, passing by various periods, notably, the early modern time closely associated with the mechanism of Descartes and the calculating machine of Leibniz, the cybernetic movement in the 20th century—a history which is often reduced to a simple term “machine”. This long history of technology also leads to what Heidegger calls “the end of Western philosophy”. How then could philosophy reflect on its own condition in view of such an end? “Philosophy after Automation” attempts to resituate philosophy in the history of technological automation and vice versa.
Edited by Yuk Hui with contributions by Hiroki Azuma, Babette Babich, Eduardo Vivieros de Castro, Howard Caygill, Pieter Lemmens, Katerina Kolozova, Michał Krzykawski, Anna Longo, Jean-Luc Nancy, and Bernard Stiegler.
Philosophy Today
Volume 65 Issue 2 2021
Special Issue: “Philosophy after Automation”
Guest Editor: Yuk HUI
Table of Contents
Part I: Interventions
Yuk Hui, Philosophy after Automation?
Jean-Luc Nancy: Automation, Alteration
Bernard Stiegler, Elements for a neganthropology of automatic man
Michał Krzykawski, Towards Idiodiversity. Retranslating Cybernetics
Ana Longo, The Automation of Philosophy or the Game of Induction
Babette Babich, On Necropolitics and Techno-Scotosis
Howard Caygill, Heidegger and the Automatic Earth Image
Yuk Hui, On the Limit of Artificial Intelligence
Katerina Kolozova, The artifact of non-humanity: a materialist account of the signifying automaton and its physical support in a fantasized unity
Part II: Dialogues
Pieter Lemmens and Yuk Hui: Landscapes of Technological Thoughts
Eduardo Vivieros de Castro and Yuk Hui: For a Strategic Primitivism
Hiroki Azuma and Yuk Hui: Homo animalis, a Japanese futurism