Autour de l’oeuvre récente de Yuk Hui ” On the Existence of Digital Objects”
28 septembre 2016
Université Libre de Bruxelles
17h-19h au H.5.162
Dans le cadre du projet Gouvernementalité Algorithmique
Post-Europe is co-published by Sequence Press (New York) and Urbanomic (Falmouth) and distributed by the MIT
The Italian publisher Castelvecchi Editore (Rome) published Yuk Hui’s second anthology in Italian. Tecnodiversità. Tecnologia
The Japanese translation of Yuk Hui’s Art and Cosmotechnics (2021) is recently published by legendary Shunjusha (est. 1918):
The Russian translation of Yuk Hui’s Art and Cosmotechnics (2021) is recently published by the publishing
The publishing house Caja Negra based in Buenos Aires, Argentina just published the Spanish translation of