Annual Erasmus Philosophy Lecture 2019

Yuk Hui will deliver the annual Erasmus Philosophy Lecture on the 29th November 2019 at the Erasmus University in Rotterdam.

The title of his lecture is: After the Organic.

Friday, 29 Nov 2019, 10:00 – 12:30pm
G2-46 (G-building)Abstract
In this talk I propose that in his Critique of Judgement, Kant has imposed an organic condition of philosophizing which came out of a particular historical and philosophical context, e.g. the emergence of biology and a counter-theory to mechanism. This organic thinking was developed further by the post-Kantians in parallel with the industrial revolutions and revived in different schools of the early 20th century, notably Alfred North Whitehead’s philosophy of organism. I suggest that this organic condition of philosophizing seems to have come to its end after the rise cybernetics and modern computational theory, which Heidegger also sees as the end of philosophy, and which forces us to re-articulate a new condition of philosophizing.

Yuk Hui studied Computer Engineering and Philosophy at the University of Hong Kong and Goldsmiths College in London, with a focus on philosophy of technology. He currently teaches at the Bauhaus University in Weimar. Between 2012 and 2018 he taught at the institute of philosophy and art (IPK) and Institute of Culture and Aesthetics of Digital Media of the Leuphana University Lüneburg where he wrote his habilitation thesis. He is also a visiting professor at the China Academy of Art where he teaches a master class with Bernard Stiegler every spring. Since 2019 he is Visiting Associate Professor at the School of Creative Media of City University in Hong Kong. He is initiator of the Research Network for Philosophy and TechnologyOpens external, an international network which facilitates researches and collaborations on philosophy and technology. Hui is editor (with Andreas Broeckmann) of 30 Years after Les Immatériaux: Art, Science and TheoryOpens external (2015), and author of On the Existence of Digital ObjectsOpens external (prefaced by Bernard Stiegler, University of Minnesota Press, March 2016), The Question Concerning Technology in China. An Essay in CosmotechnicsOpens external (Urbanomic, December 2016), and Recursivity and ContingencyOpens external (Rowman & Littlefield International, February 2019). His writings have been translated into a dozen languages.


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