Publication: Journal of China Academy of Art (vol.41, no.6, 2020)

We are pleased to see the proceedings of our symposium “40 Years after The Postmodern Condition” (November 2019) coming out as a special issue of the Journal of the China Academy of Art (Vol.41 No.6), including articles from Jean-François Lyotard, Bernard Stiegler, Sarah Wilson, Ashley Woodward, Hiroki Azuma, Yuk Hui and others.


目錄 Table of Content


05-16许煜 Yuk HUI
利奥塔,在我们之后:《后现代状况》出版四十周年 Lyotard, After Us: 40 Years after The Postmodern Condition


17-25[法]雅尼克·布朗 Yannick BLANC
信息与知识的游戏:让-弗朗索瓦·利奥塔访谈 Le jeu de l’information et du savoir (1980)


26-36[法]让-弗朗索瓦·利奥塔 Jean-François LYOTARD
哲学与绘画在其实验的时代 La philosophie et la peinture à l’ère de leur expérimentation (1981)


37-51[ 法 ] 贝尔纳·斯蒂格勒 Bernard STIEGLER
利奥塔和我们:“太阳之死”与人类纪 Lyotard and Us ‘Death of the Sun’ and the Anthropocene Era


52-65[英]萨拉·威尔逊  Sarah WILSON
作为虚空画的哲学:利奥塔的爆炸式崇高 Philosophy as a vanitas : Lyotard’s exploded Sublime


66-74许煜 Yuk HUI
展览与感知化:“非物质”展的再语境化 Exhibiting and Sensibilizing: Recontextualizing “Les Immatériaux”


75-87[日] 东浩纪 Hiroki AZUMA
如何化数据库动物为政治动物?从悖谬逻辑到悖谬-观众 How can Database Animals be Political Animals?: From Paralogy to Para-Audience


88-100[澳] 艾什利·伍德沃德 Ashley WOODWARD
系统失灵? System Failure?


101-112李洋 LI Yang
利奥塔与异电影的谱系学 Lyotard and the Genealogy of Acinéma

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