Publication of Portuguese anthology Tecnodiversidade

The renowned Brazillian publisher Ubu Editora is going to publish a collection of essays by Yuk Hui in early December, titled Tecnodiversidade.

“O livro reúne os principais textos do filósofo da tecnologia, Yuk Hui, uma das figuras mais influentes no debate sobre tecnologia, inteligência artificial e o que ele chama de ‘cosmotécnicas,’ tecnologias desenvolvidas em contextos locais, particulares, que conteriam as saídas para a atual crise ecológica, política e social mundial.” (The book brings together the main texts of the philosopher of technology, Yuk Hui, one of the most influential figures in the debate on technology, artificial intelligence and what he calls “cosmotechnics”, technologies developed in local, private contexts that would contain the outputs to the current global ecological, political and social crisis.)

Publisher: Ubu Editora(São Paulo)
Translation: Humberto do Amaral
192 pages
ISBN 978-65-86497-22-9
more information: (Portuguese)

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